Wednesday, February 2, 2011

half-half pint


I sent a picture text of me and Jae to my friend in Hawai`i.  We were just sitting on the recliner and she text me back telling me how funny it was that Jae is like half my size.  I suppose I am a bigger person inside than I am on the outside.  :P  But, this picture made me realize how little I really am.  (Yeah, I hate it, so don't continue to give me a complex about it).

Max, Camille, Jae, and I made lovely "ornaments" (???) out of play dough.  It, of course, had much salt in it and Jae kept trying to eat the dough.  Max did a lovely job of rolling out the dough and cutting out shapes.  In this picture he's saying, "Cheese!"  Too cute!

I hope the next post will be our family pictures my friend took for us!  I am anxious to see them!


jen said...

cuuute pictures!

Jenny said...

Hey look! It's your blog! Too cute! I love your shirt in this picture, btw.