Tuesday, February 22, 2011

13 wks appt

I knew I should have changed my appt to later in the afternoon, but I like to get them out of the way so I can have the rest of the day to do whatever.  Of course, I barfed before heading out.  It had been a week since throwing up, so I hope this means the morning sickness is going away!  Who knows?  I'm still so super tired and have 3 hour naps!

I heard the heartbeat today--that's always a good sign!  Dr. said I haven't gained any weight since last time, though.  Not surprising since I've been puking for a month!  Not a lot in comparison to my 1st pregnancy, but enough to make me feel gross and not eat I guess.  Nothing ever sounds good.  I'm over my smoothie kick, but I still love my mentos!

In about 6 weeks I will have my ultrasound to find out the gender.  My friend, Amy, didn't find out and I wish Jimmy liked surprises.  I think it would be fun to not find out what we're having!  Jimmy says, "How will we know what to name him/her if we don't find out?"  Honey, we knew what Jae's gender was and it took us until we left the hospital to decide on a name.

I guess I could start taking some belly pictures and compare them to when I had Jae.  Guess I better go find what weeks I took them.


Erin said...

My sister didn't find out with my nephew and she's not finding out with the baby she's pregnant with now either. Her husband really wanted to know, but she wouldn't let him. But he loved finding out at the birth so much that he really wanted to do it again for this baby even though my sister didn't really mind finding out. Let us know what it is!

Christie said...

lol we tried to find out with reese and she wouldn't let us! so don't count on it! lol

Harmony said...

I think not finding out the gender would be stressful! But kinda fun too. BUt I think it would def be easier if you already had one of each gender, because then you'd at least have some clothes and things for them! For the record, I hope you have a girl!