Thursday, February 17, 2011


apparently you get more and more tired with each pregnancy.  how'm i supposed to have 8 kids?!  :P  i suppose i'm a bit anemic, too.  jimmy offered me a reese's peanut butter cup.. our conversation went something like this:

jimmy: do you want a reese's?
me: no. i need protein, that's candy!
jimmy: peanut butter is protein.

ooooh, my bad!  i'm working on eating more leafy greens... as of tonight.  i had a salad tonight, that was yummy!  i suppose now that i may be past the puking part (knock on wood) and i can focus on eating more healthy things.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Hehe...ya the anemic stuff sucks! I had it a little with Reyna. I was always feeling faint to the point where I had to stop whatever I was doing and lay down. No matter where I was.

P.S. I wasn't making an announcement in that one post you commented on.