Sunday, August 21, 2011

Josef Taejon Gilbert

Josef Taejon Gilbert
 08 lbs
21 inches
11:07 am

Isn't that cool? His dad matches his stats?  I'm so fascinated by it.  LOL!  I have been in recovery mode, but nearing the end of it. Ha ha, no pun intended!

I'm working on the birth story... so hang on a little longer!

Birth Story

Contractions started at 11pm on 08.20.11 and they were 7 minutes apart. I just had some friends over from BYUH:

Jacob, Janice, & Reyna (and Isaiah in womb) Auna. Kris, Keri, & Aiden Bianchini. Louie with his wife and daughter.

I kept track of the contractions:
and then I fell asleep...
The next morning they were:

From my journal:
9:50pm 08.21.11 Sunday
At 11:07am, Josef Taejon Gilbert was born. He weighed in at 8lbs & 21 inches long! He has soft peach fuzz that I super love!
Contractions started last night at 11pm. Consistent at 7mins apart. I was txting Karen & was later talking to Jen... told each of them I was cramping up! I went to bed around 12 or 1. I woke at 4am , used the bathroom, sat down on the bed, & was contracting.

10:06pm 08.26.11 Fri
I got out of bed to walk & pack my bag & noticed the sheet had a wet spot! My water really did was just a little. I text Jen around 4:05 or so. Told her I didn't tell April yet lol. I kept track of contractions: 3:54am, 3:58am, 4:06am, & 4:13am.. oh, 4:16am it looks like. At 4:20 I knocked on Japril's door. Jake grumbled, "What?" (prob thought I was one of the boys)! Haha! I said, "I need to go to the hospital." April said she'd get ready to go & take me. Since it was Sunday, Jae was able to take Jae to Church. He said [Jae] missed me & was sad. :( I text Jen to let her know I was on my way so she would meet us there.

We got to the hospital close to 5am. I check in & went to the triage room to get into a gown. Then April waited outside while Shelly, the nurse, checked me & asked me questions. She said my water did break and I was at a 3cm. April & Jen came in after that & we waited for who knows what? Then we walked to my delivery room. I think I was at a 3cm when I got an epidural. Or maybe they started me on Pitocin 1st? Anyway... I was slowly at a 4cm, but the contractions were getting stronger & more painful! I was distracted by all going on: Would Dr. Lloyd make it? I wish Jimmy were here. Jen & April sure do leave the room a lot... So, I forgot to click the button for more drug. But, the anesthesiologist came in to give me more drug. **They did start Pitocin before the epidural around 7 and the epidural was around 8:30ish**

OH! I forgot... when I requested the epidural, I had to get IV fluids first. Maren, the RN (I think) was putting in the IV catheter. But.. she gave some numbing shot first? So, she did a shot, the needle, but she blew the vein... my arm bubbled up! She tried again on my hand. Failed. I said, "good thing patients can't fire you." Haha! That was after the 1st one. So, Shelly came back to put it in my left arm.

OK, so epidural. Anesthesiologist talked about Alaska bc I told him where I had lived. (Who knows where I'm from). Oh, he asked my ethnicity, he told me a story of a lady who was adopted from Korea... & all the twists & turns it took to get her to where she is today. Said she should write her story. Later I said my husband started law school in PA, so he is not here. He says I should write my story. Haha!

I was at a 4+cm & was so worried Dr. Lloyd wouldn't be there. Once I hit a 6cm, I knew he wouldn't be there. So David? Kaelberer, MD was my doctor. I went from a 6cm to a 10 in like 2 contractions. Jen & April left the room & probably 7 mins later, Josef came. I felt Dr. Kaelberer stretching me & it hurt! I wondered how much of the epidural was working!! I suppose I did 3 pushes of 10 seconds each about 3 times.l Freakin' kid was 8 lbs!

I could also feel Dr. stitch me up. Tugging & the sting of the needle. UGH! I thought: I bet if it were just Jimmy, I would've remembered to add drugs! I felt I needed to entertain I guess. I was in SO much pain during those last contractions... it was horrible! I felt like he was coming out--I probably vocalized that, too.

So, Josef Taejon was 8lbs, 21in, & born at 11:07am on Sunday 8.21.11. I held him about 1min & then they took him for apgar testing, etc. I was shaking & shivering SO bad! For the next 3hrs, actually. SUCKED! I couldn't nurse him or hold him! My left arm went numb...Felt like I had Parkinson's.

OH! Forgot a part! Dr. stitched me up, right? Nurse Jenna (who was there w/ birth of Jae, too) pushed on my stomach & was concerned about all the blood coming out. It was more than what was supposed to. She called Dr. K back in and he checked me. He had to stitch somewhere inner. Ugh, I didn't want to feel the needle & tugging again! :( Jenna had to run out to get scissors (or tools of some sort). Jen said she was crying bc she was worried when she saw Jenna run in & out a couple of times. Sure was scary for them I guess. :( Scary for me!

OK, so...before they move me to a gurney, I'm trying to text Jimmy, but I'm shaking so bad I just needed to put my phone down.

OH! Before epidural, Jenna comes in and says, "So... there's a scheduled C-section at 9am..." I just stare at her: HUH?! She meant to say I needed epi before anesthe't goes into surgery. Ohhh...!

So, the 2 young CNA's try to help me on the gurney. Shaking, I just transfer myself. :P Josef was next to me & we all went to rm 314 for recovery. Joey looks a lot like Jimmy. Long fingers & long finger toes!

The girls stayed w/ me until 5pm! Holy smokes they are troopers!

OH!  They couldn't get a hold of Dr. Lloyd. He later told me he was teaching a class at church. :( He said I was an awesome patient & he was sorry to have missed it. I told him I was sad he wasn't able to make it. My whole purpose in staying! (OK 1/2).

11:10pm 8.30.11 Tue
Wow- I'm exhausted & I still have more to write about Josef!

Juli Riches was still in the hospital when I was admitted. She came to visit me before I gave birth. Too funny! She was kept a cple days due to possible kidney stones.

Juli Riches Photography (c) 2011

Texts while I was in the hospital:
5:35am 08.21.11 from Jimmy: Nice! I prayed for baby to come today :) good luck babe!
5:37am Your late night party must have made baby jealous and he wanted to come hang out.
5:50am How soon they expect you to be pushing?
7:32am They have a tv in thar?
7:34am Well at least you all have something to pass the time while you wait for your time :) at least no false labors :)
10:58am Oh man! Just got home :) good luck!
11:12am Pushing yet?
11:25am Lol. How much bigger than j?
11:54am Was this similar to last birth or way different?
11:57am You named him josef taejon yeah? Did dr lloyd deliver?
12:44pm :( hope you are ok :(
12:46pm Text me when you feel better :( i want you to rest!
10:35am 08.21.11 from Jake: He is good. Misses his mommy. Sad for nursery
6:47pm 08.22.11 from April: Jae just came running to me and said 'big spider' so I followed him and he pointed at the front window. No spider.


Sharon said...


penga said...

congratulations! He's very cute!

Valgardson Family said...

Oh What a cutie! congratulations! that is way cool that his birthday and stats are the same. Easy to remember. Good luck with two kids, they are sure cute.