Thursday, August 11, 2011

37.5 weeks

I'm dyin.  I don't get on the computer much or have many pictures to upload until either baby comes or I move to PA.

I have lots and lots of pain and it increases each day, and increases more each night!  I am SO ready to have this kid!  I keep telling Jae, "Tell baby to come out!" He says, "Out!"  He rubbed my belly today and said, "Baby."  :)

Jae has been running around having fun with the boys.  He ran into the wall tonight, LOL!  I don't know why he did because he was looking where he was going.  Knocked him flat down!

April & I try to plan different things to get me walking and get the baby out!  He really needs to come this weekend for scheduling purposes. ;)  So, pray he comes this weekend!  I have a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, but no real cramping/real contractions.  :(  Baby moves so strongly right when I lay down to go to sleep.  It feels like he is trying to come out... Last night was the WORST!  I hope the pain doesn't last much longer and I actually have contractions soon.  I never really experienced this pain with Jae.  I was having contractions and admitted before I had to experience much pain.  And then I got the epidural.

Dr. says he can induce me a week before I'm due, but Jimmy & I don't feel that that is necessary.  At least I know Dr. won't let me go over. ;)

Anyway... I probably won't update again until baby is born.  We are just having fun here at Japril's house and are so grateful to them for their hospitality!  Jae is loving all these fun toys... poor kid's gonna have a heart attack when we get to PA, lol!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Maybe you're not actually pregnant. Maybe you've developed a large parasitic pustule that will just keep growing and growing until it bursts forth. It'll probably leave a mark.

Seriously though, I'm sorry you're in so much discomfort. COME OUT, BABY!