Monday, November 22, 2010

Jae today

Did I mention I need to post pictures and videos?  I do. I don't have much time.  All day is Jae time, including naps, and when Jimmy gets home it's dinner, relaxing, putting Jae to bed, spouse time, and then bedtime.  Jimmy's laptop is about to die, so I'm scared to put anything else on here without backing our current stuff up.


Today Jae was being photographed by his Grandma Gilbert with her cell phone.  He was cracking up and loving it; he would even laugh and smile at the picture when she showed him.  What a goof!

Jae was playing with the wheel and a piece to the jogging stroller for almost 30 minutes.  He was quite entertained by that.

He likes to turn the light switches off and on.

Um, that's all for today; I think it's naptime for myself!

1 comment:

Jen Hallam said...

Thanks for letting me in your super cool, top secret new blog. I'm sure your coolness went up about 92% by adding me. HA! Hope you are doing swell, or at least sweller.