Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jae learning new things

I asked Jae if he wanted out of the tub and he crawled around to try to unplug the drain stopper.

In his pile of toys, I asked him to get his cow and that a cow says, "moo!"  He looked and picked up the cow.

He almost stopped taking his diapers to the trash.  We're working on getting him back in the habit.

He was throwing a fit and brought the remote to our bedroom where I was getting ready for the day.  I told him to take it to daddy.  He threw it and threw a little tinesy fit.  I left the room for a second and went back and he had the remote in his hand.  When I noticed him, he threw it.  I sternly told him to pick up the remote and give it to me.  He did.  :)

1 comment:

Christie said...

lol sure... get him to do all the work! i like the whole thing of him taking the diaper to the garbage! hehe