Tuesday, November 23, 2010

halloween and california

i am too lazy to reorganize these, so here are some pictures, finally!  i need to backup our files bc i know this laptop is going to die soon!
i went to cali to visit my first college roommate ever! yes, way back when the college was called Ricks.

here i am with jae. he finally fell asleep after chasing him around the airport forever. the shuttle dropped us off at 10:30am and i missed an earlier flight by 10 minutes. :(  so, we had 4 hours to kill. we spent the first 15 minutes going up and down the escalator. from there, it was pure exercise with him.  glad he fell asleep! he stayed asleep on the flight from reno to phoenix! well, except the last 30 mins when he was crying. :(

jae hated being a turtle. this is his halloween costume we found at DI for $5. he wore it a whole 10 mins on halloween.
here he is helping me pass out candy. he would wrap his arms around the bowl and try to take off with it. only problem was: he couldn't lift the bowl.

braden and jae
 i can't figure out the new photo insert thing... i can't put a space between the previous 2 pics. anyway, the carset pic is evan, 7 1/2 months, and jae, 16 months, crying. jae wanted milk, evan wanted out of his carseat.

here is eric with the kitty.
 braden and jenae holding evan
 her boys loved playing with jae! (jae threw up the 2nd day we were there. threw up twice tuesday and once on wednesday.. then he got a cold and was teething).
here is braden. he is jenae's oldest son. he's 5. jae was running a temp 102-103, so i kept him cool (just explaining his nekkidness).

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