Saturday, January 22, 2011


The other day Jimmy told Jae to come sit in his lap.  He walked over to where we were sitting and he slowly backs up and sits down into MY lap!  He did that twice, lol!

Jen was over today and Jae threw a piece of pizza on the floor.  I told him to pick it up, but he wouldn't.  I told him to take a bit of his other piece and he wouldn't.  Jimmy came upstairs and I told him to have Jae pick up his pizza.  He did.  Then I told him to tell Jae to take a bite... he did.

Jae climbed up onto the kitchen table.  I said, "No, Jae.. get down! No!"  He kind of reversed and said, "No, no, no. Down. No, no."  Made me laugh!

I was sitting on the recliner, relaxing... Jae kept waving to me.

***I would post pictures, but I have no idea where my camera is right now***


Cat said...

Awesome I am totally going to be your number 1 blog stocker! Can't wait to hear more Jae-isms!

Erika said...

Aww, Jae is so cute! I read your comment on my blog, and I was wondering who "The Gooberts" were! :)

Harmony said...

o so cute! I love me some Jae!