Wednesday, June 20, 2012

silly jae

Jae put the curtain around him and said, "I'm a queen!"

Jae was refusing to nap. I will add the story below just for my own sake of remembering. I found him in his room asleep as shown below, hours after he was supposed to take his nap.

He didn't sleep because he said he was poopy. So i changed him, but no poops. So, whatever... Go to bed. I heard him playing, so I told him to get in bed. He said he was poopy. What the? Ok, he really was.. So I changed him. Later, he is still playing. He says he is poopy. Wha??! No. Go to bed! He didn't take his nap and told me again he was poopy. Ok, he had more. Guh. So, by 4:00-4:15 he was overtired & crabby and I sent him to his room. Later he yells for help, but I ignored. And that's what happened. [no children were harmed in the making of this memory]

1 comment:

Aurie Jenkins said...

I cant believe how big your boys are getting, they are growing so fast. Dont you love the bedtime/naptime fights, those are my favorite times of day (big massive eye roll)