Saturday, June 2, 2012

Jae in May

May 30
I love when I read books to Jae and he knows what will happen next... Page turn... Huge smile on his face! Sometimes followed by a "haaaa!"

Jae: [walking like a robot] Danger! Danger!
Me: Red alert! Red alert! Are you a robot?
Jae: No, I'm Jae!

May 29
We finally made friends with the neighbor kids. He played with them on Memorial Day and wanted to play with them the next day, but they were at school. I asked him if he found his friends (we were sitting outside) and he says, "One minute. Hmm... I can't find 'em anywhere!"

May 28
Jae running after Jimmy on the bike: Wait up, dad! Wait up!

May 27
Jae had fun today in Nursery.. By himself.. In the corner playing. Good thing this is just a phase that most, if not every, child goes through!

Jae wanted a tao tuptake. Which is a cow cupcake. We made cow cupcakes for a silent auction for the YW fundraiser for Girl's Camp.

May 24
Jae knocking on the watermelon says, "Tan't oten it!"

May 23
The big ant climbed right into Jae's bug catcher that he strategically placed in front of the ant. "Hey, ant!" he said excitedly.

May 22
Looking at the "I Spy" book with Jae before bed. I read the rhyme and we start looking. "Jae, I can't find the other starfish.." "Don't worry, mom! I find it!"

Jae asked if he could have some "Joey treats" before dinner. I said he could have a couple. I finished cooking dinner and THE WHOLE CAN OF GERBER SNACKS ARE GONE! I just asked Jae, "What's Joey going to eat now? You ate all his snacks!" "BANGONES!" "Mangoes? Joey's going to eat mangoes now?" "YEAH!"

Jae grabbed a toy from Joey. "Oh! Thanks, Joe! Thanks!"

Jae asked me for a tissue. He didn't sneeze, but I gave it to him anyway. I was doing dishes and he came in w/ a ball of tissue in his hand saying that he got it. "A bider on daddy's bike!" i didn't check the tissue, but I told him thanks for saving the day anyway. :)

May 20
Looked at First Words Flash Cards at G&G's place with Jae. Jae would name them as he saw the pictures: Cup, ball, cat... Then a baseball bat appeared and he said, "weapon."

May 19
Rinsed off grapes for Jae and put them in a paper towel. I told him to hold onto it tight. He says, "Hold on tight, grapes!"

May 18
Earlier today Jae was naming a bunch of items not to eat: rocks, trucks, Joey...

May 17 "Come on, sweetheart." I shouted to Jae. "No, I'm Jae!"

May 13 Jae lined up 6 or 7 potato chips on the table and asked me which one was the biggest chip. He pointed to one, I pointed to another. And then he took a bite of it and gave me a bite. Then he asked me which one is the smallest chip. "Where mallest chip?"

May 11
Me: What time is it?
Jae: Time for lunch!

Jae had broken out in hives. Just a random happenstance. He is fine. No allergy to milk (which is what I was thinking it was.) That day, Jae was very energetic. Jimmy asked Jae if he needed more medicine. I'm thinking Jimmy is liking this Benadryl thing. I chimed in and told Jimmy that Jae is fine and that medicine is not in order.

May 10
Looking at the I Spy book:
Me: White and flashlight.. Do they sound the same?
Jae: Yeah!
Me: That's called a rhyme.
Jae: Wrhyme!
Me: What other words can you rhyme?
Jae: Truck...
Me: [laughing]
Jae: and starfish!
Me: No... Truck and duck!
Jae: [what-the-heck look on his face] Truck and duck?

May 9
When I was reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to Jae at nap time, he smiled so big when the dude tried the green eggs and ham and liked them.

Driving home from the park, Jae said that he didn't want to go home. "Where do you want to go then?" "Um... Temple."

"Mom?" Jae said pointing to me, "You Yitensi?"

May 8
Mom. Don't eat trucks. Don't eat cars.

May 6
I bought Jae some fleece camo boots from Old Navy that were .50 and Jae was putting them on his feet:
Jimmy: Jae, are those new boots that aren't meant for summer?
Me: Yes, but they were so cheap.
Jae: So cheap, cheap, cheap!

May 4
Jae sometimes watches "Ni hao, Kai-lan" on Today Jae shook Joey's hand and said, "ni hao!"

May 3
Thunder and rain scared an almost-asleep Jae. I stayed with him until it stopped (which was only a couple of minutes). We sang "The Wise Man & The Foolish Man" and I was telling him that we need to build houses on rocks, not sand. He says, "And doors, and windows, and turns (???) and nakes." "Snakes? We don't want snakes at our house, do we?" "No. No nakes!"

May 1
Jae asked me where his rock is. It's the size of a grain of sand.

 The Jae-man!
What he will look like with facial hair! ;)

1 comment:

Janice said...

You have so much fun all the time! Wish you were closer! We could do play dates and stuff!