Sunday, March 18, 2012


We went to MD for Ivan's Spring Break. It was fun to let the cousins play together! Jimmy had a brief due, so he stayed home.

Dad got the rope swing going again and Jae refused to go on it this time. So, I took Joey for a swing. :)

And, while I was swinging, Jae decided to run off with Max. After I chased him down, he got in trouble and then got tied to a tree. LOL! Oh, he didn't like that so much:

But, Max sure enjoyed it:

Me & Joey

Jae finding rocks...

We let the 2 older kiddos stay up and watch "Thomas" while some of us adults played Ticket to Ride. I think I hit my record LOW!

The next morning (03.19.12) we got ready...

to go to Havre de Grace. It was very foggy, as you can see:

but there's something magical about fog! :)  Makes for cool pictures, too!


...and I LOVE HIM!

Jae and "UnkaBen" looking at info on the lighthouse:

I don't think there's a single picture of any of the kids looking at the camera. They're still cute! :)

Poor goose only had one leg in working order:

Miss Jena and Joey going for a ride!

Max likes to run ahead of the gang and then lay down to rest... or something??

When we got back to G&G's and everyone had naps, Ben showed us where Miami Beach was and we played:

Jena, Max, and Jae in their own separate areas in their own stages in life. 
Jena is daring and walks into the water, splashing and getting soaked, and putting whatever she can find into her mouth.
Max is building a sand castle, or just making "mud" with his tupperware and cups.
And then my special kid is over here eating a twig?

Sakura Festival in DC

There are more pictures of DC, but I haven't asked anyone to put them in Dropbox so we can get copies.

We went to the park after DC and played:

I thought this was cute... 
Camille was having the boys be airplanes on the walk back to G&G's:

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