Wednesday, June 29, 2011


He turns 2 in eight days and knows almost the whole alphabet! He got a book "My First ABC Book" in his stocking for Christmas and he has enjoyed it since.  We didn't read it to him every day until a few months ago, but he recognizes letters and can point to them and say what they are. He has trouble with the last couple of letters, but since he can't say 2-syllable words (besides mommy & daddy), he doesn't say "W" very well... or at all. :P

We read a lot to him and it's going to have to die down a little bit after baby comes!  He will be so cute reading books with his lil bro!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Wow!! I'm so impressed. John can't do that. You've inspired me to do more reading with John! Way to go Jae!!