Saturday, December 4, 2010


so, i talked to tiffany yesterday and she said she could work FT for me and i will work her PT schedule.  i'm so glad our boss OK'd it!  april says there is no replacement for a mom... true story!  and then i was talking to the boss downstairs about how late she's there to see if maybe i could go in in the late afternoons.  i told her i miss jae and she told me that it gets easier.  she has 2 kids and it was hard for her at first, but it gets easier and you get used to it.  but... i don't want to get used to it.  i know we need the money and i should work FT, but it's not the best for jae... or me!!

that's all for now!  it's saturday morning and i am actually heading into work from 9-1.  then jimmy goes to work at 315.

oh, so i work mondays and wednesdays.  and hopefully i am the kit prepper in the late afternoons.  :)  they just need to train me.  (how hard is it to cut 12x12's into photo mats)? :P

1 comment:

Harmony said...

gosh! I'm so out of it! I just found out about your job TODAY! I need to keep up on things more. I don't know how I'm too busy to check blogs! Sheesh!

Well, I'm sure glad you found something... I hope you find a way to make it less monotonous... will they at least let you listen to music?

And good luck with Jimmy finding another job!!!!

We need to get together!