Sunday, August 19, 2012

Joey's Burn

Sunday morning on August 19, Joey burned his hand. I saw Jae playing with our floor lamp arm that is bendy in our room. I turned to talk to Jimmy and all of a sudden I hear Joey screaming. I looked over and Joey was trying to get his melting skin off of the light bulb! Jimmy had just healed up from his burned hand, so he told me to run his hand under cold water. I did that, but also doused his hand in lavender oil.  (Later we found out that you shouldn't put oil on a burn like that because it traps the heat inside.) But, it did seem to calm him down some!!  We ran his hand under the water for 20-25 minutes.  We were lucky that the Ped's office was opened during this time it happened, so we were able to take him to the doctor about an hour after it happened.  Here are the pictures of his burn and the progress throughout the weeks:

August 19

August 24

August 31

Sept 4
(I started to put lavender oil on it again when the bandage came off for good.)

Here he is, bandaged up! He would bite on his mitten wrap because he hated to have it on! He would bite it and tear it halfway off! He was quite the trooper through all of this, though. Only hated to be restrained when he would have a bandage change.

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