Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jae's lunchpail

This is what I found in Jae's lunch bag.
Chili beans.

Maybe we should have learned about the letter "C" that day?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

farmer's market

Wednesdays in C-town are Farmer's Market days for the summer. We went with some friends and had a fun time:
L, Jae, O, and Joey

Jae enjoyed the strawberries!

Monday, May 28, 2012

We met the neighbors

I didn't put our neighbors kids in the pictures because, well, I didn't have their permission and we had just met them. Pretty sad that we just met our neighbors after living here for several months! But, Jae enjoys playing with the older kids. These are all Jae's cars and trucks and some are his friend's. Jae asks often if he can, "Find the boys?" "I wanna play with the boys."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

ward social

Jae was here:

Lil J goin' down the slide:

Sweet N telling Jae that the slide isn't scary. 
(Notice how clogged up the line is? Thanks, Jae.)

K-man enjoyed his ride!

Lil J and Grumpy Jae chillin'! They really are friends!!

The Joester:

Josef at 9 months

I realize I haven't been keeping track of Joey's childhood very well.  Thanks a lot, Facebook.  It's too easy to just post things on there, but it's not very detailed.

Joey just had his 9 month appt.  He weighs 21 lbs (58%), is 28 1/2 in. long (58%), and head circumference is 45cm (41%).  I was surprised to see he was on the lower end of the scale on his stats, but I will just tell myself he's bigger than that! ;)

He crawls... and will crawl very fast to see dad after he's home from school/work.  (Or myself if I've been at the grocery store.)  He walks along the furniture. He can stand by himself for 1.07 seconds. :P  He likes to do whatever Jae is doing, but Jae doesn't like that too much.  He likes to eat what we're eating and not so much his baby food.

He's OK with:
green beans (baby food)
black beans
being outside
biting mom
ripping glasses off your face

He doesn't like:
not being held
getting his diaper changed
being tortured by his brother
getting his face wiped off after meals

Friday, May 25, 2012

el parque y tao tuptakes

Food on Joey's head... on Jae's head

Cow cupcakes for the YW fundraiser for Girl's Camp:

Friday, May 18, 2012

A sad ride for Joey

We went to MD and I sat in the back seat with the boys to feed them dinner on our way out. This is what it was the whole way down:

"...are we there yet?" asked Joey

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Sadly, I have no idea where we were coming home from!  But, Jae fell asleep on the drive home and I put him on the couch thinking he would be awake by the time I brought Joey in. Nope! Sound asleep:

I love car keys!

So much!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Finals Are Over BBQ

Cameron accidentally lit the bag and a half of charcoal on fire, so in it went:

Jae liked Bradon's pacman oven mitts:

Joey & Jimmy:

We even had some pups enjoy the day out! I forgot the name of Bradon's puppy, but there's Yoshi on the right:

I just love my photography skillz.  Jae went to go greet Liam.

Joey was getting sleepy... Bradon asked to hold him, I think, and Joey just nestled right into him. Eventually Joey fell asleep! ^.^

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Eating tuptakes

What Jae will look like with a goatee:

Messy hands! Jae only likes the toppings and frosting on a cupcake. In another post I will show you what he did to a few of them.

I'm not sure how much cupcake Joey got into his mouth, but at least he had a nice taste!