Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jimmy's Law Conference

Written by: Jimmy
From the 16th the 19th I had the pleasure to attend the J. Reuben Clark Law Society Conference. The conference was for LDS Lawyers. This year it was held at Stanford University. The weather was a pleasant 70 degrees. Penn State picked up the tab for flights, hotel, and taxis which was very generous. The conference is held at different locations every year, and next year it will be at Georgetown with Justice Thomas being the keynote. There are various speakers that are invited, panels and breakout sessions are common. I attended one panel about the Arab Spring. A Stanford professor and two other experts spoke about that issue. We were also spoken to by various church general counsel officers, a former governor of Utah and Health and Human Services Secretary under George W. Bush. At the conclusion of the conference I was picked up by, Michelle and her husband, Craig, a friend now living in the Bay Area. Overall, it was a great trip with very little money spent on my end. :D


Unknown said...

sounds cool.

penga said...

Sorry we were folding flowers and didn't get to spend much time with you! :P I feel guilty, lol. Guess we'll have to go to the east coast to make up for it!