Friday, December 23, 2011

Chocolate World

We went to Hershey, PA and visited Chocolate World. "It's the milk chocolate! Hershey's chocolate.."

We went on this 15 minute free ride (twice... when we got there and before we left). Jae was scared of this mechanical cow:

(Jae being scared of above cow)

Um... I had to take this picture because it made me think of my favorite cousin's wife. ;) Only bc her name is Harmony. ;)

Joey and I hanging out on the ride:

You can't tell what it says, but this is what the factory was producing that day:

Factory Worker Jae. I couldn't believe he kept his hat on for so long!

Most adorable thing ever! Joey in a hairnet! Why is it so funny? He doesn't have any hair! Maybe I'm just obsessed w/ my own children, but seriously, this totally made my day!

Jae in a hairnet & apron, ready to make a candybar! 
(Yeah, it was uber expensive for us, but we figured this is a once in a lifetime thing. Since then, we have made a budget. LOL! But, the boys in hairnets is absolutely priceless!)

Here are the boys with their candy bars in a tin. Jae decorated his cover and I did Joey's.

Um, yeah... You were supposed to throw the hairnets and aprons away as you left the "factory" area. I am crazy and stuffed Joey's hairnet in my pocket.  I HAD to see him in it again!

P.S. I procrastinated getting a tree this year. I wanted to get one since we hadn't in our 4 years of marriage. I was adamant that we were going to get one! Time was ticking and a couple days before Christmas, there was a Christmas miracle for us.  I ran across the street to do some laundry and I saw a huge box w/ a paper attached to it that said: Free Tree.  I ran back to the apartment and told Jimmy to hurry and go get it. It's the kind where you have to put in each branch one by one. A hassle, but hey, it was free and looked great in our apartment!

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